A company specialized in simulation consultancy and multiphysical assessment management. Customized solutions are provided for businesses.

CSGAM - Consulting in Simulation and Multiphysical Assessment Management


Multiphysical Management

Multiphysical assessment management consulting is conducted, using simulations and analyses to identify and address physical issues.


Specialized training is offered for companies with the aim of enhancing employees' skills and optimizing internal processes.

Case study

Case studies of previous projects are presented, showcasing our expertise in simulation and multifysical assessment management.

Operational failure assessment.

Projects on failure probability according to the multiphysical demand of the product or process.

Guide your professionals in managing issues with multiphysical simulation from various engineering fields. We understand the challenge of real-world problem complexity and build bridges between knowledge areas.

Audit codes

Open-source audit-ready programming for enhanced reliability of our clients.

We connect professionals.

About us

We are CSGAM - Consulting in Simulation and Multiphysical Assessment Management. We offer innovative and efficient solutions for complex issues in the fields of mechanical, metallurgical, and electrical engineering. Our highly skilled team of engineers utilizes multiphysical simulations and assessments to provide accurate and reliable results. We specialize in business training, multiphysical management, and case studies. Please feel free to contact us to learn more about our services.


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